You Have Alot Of Weirdos That Watch What You Get

It’s the title of the book I’m writing. The main character contemplates getting a pair of noise-cancelling headphones to restore her sanity from her annoying pragmatist. Readers will be captivated with details of contemplated violence and bleeding from the ears. More details to follow…

Resolution…Countdown to 66 days.

It’s that time of the year that people announce their New Year resolutions. Typically, I don’t make New Year resolutions. But this year it’s different. During a random conversation over our holiday break, Fitz and I decided that we would like to read more. This may be because he got an interesting book for a Christmas gift. He can’t help but read a few pages when he has a moment. I kinda felt left out.  Randomly, I stumbled into a bookstore and became captivated with all the options. I walked out with two new books in hand. Also, it was really refreshing to walk around a bookstore that was packed with customers. Anyway, Fitz and I discussed how we no-longer want to watch TV in bed before we fall asleep because we both find it pointless. So to get back into reading, we are swapping out TV time for reading time. It’s simple and it could be a really easy habit to form.

Researchers say it takes approximately 66 days to form a habit, which is contrary to the popular belief that habits only take 21 days. So there seems to be a disparity in committing to new positive habits over a specific time span…I’m hopeful that we will support each other abstaining from TV in bed. Also, I think a good book will support our resolution. So far so good, we are 2 nights in to our 66 days and I’m really enjoying my new book, A Good Scent from a Strange Mountain.

Did you make a resolution this year? If so, what is it? Can you commit for 66 days?

July in a Nutshell

It dawned on me the other day that I should do a monthly wrap up of my posts. That way I can take time to reflect on my experiences, you can keep up with my charades,  and I can build  rapport. So here is goes…

Cletus: Cletus is sitting in the front seat of an emotional roller coaster and feels that Mr. McScreamy is sitting in her head and violently yelling.

SillyGoose: I’ve turned the magical age of 31 and discovered that I am so under-radar at my office that they didn’t acknowledge my birthday.After hours of  flash-mob paranoia and planning my escape, I discovered it was all unnecessary. Red stapler anyone??

I did a health cleanse and pretty much popped pills, ate raw veggies and fruit, and drank tons of water for 5 days. I managed to meet some of my goals which was good, but overall I don’t think the cleanse was for me. I believe I met my goals because I’m a goal-oriented person not because of a silly diet. After the cleanse, I  started running and gathered 5k, 10k and marathon training programs  to map and track my athletic endeavors. In one week I  dropped 4 mins off of my “long-run” . So that’s pretty cool. I’m using exercise as a hobby to stay out of DireMole’s hairs, to get physically healthy, and as mental therapy sessions.

My parents drive me nuts. After my visit home it took me 2 weeks to recover. They appreciated my visit and I love them, but they’re crazy. On a more positive note,I’m pleased to announce that they upgraded their cell phones to smart phones. What’s so awesome about that??? They switched providers and have less minutes to burn talking to me!!

I guess my 31st year is off to a decent start.

DireMole: DireMole is not a thug. Unless you work with me… then he is. BIG TIME. But seriously, DireMole is in the mist of his dissertation and keeping busy with data. As one of my closest friends told me, “It’s a lonely time.”

20140730-082558-30358608.jpgPirateGoat: This month you have been introduced to my pirate-dog, Jalapeno Rubes. Offline, we watched Captain Phillips and PirateGoat claimed the movie did not portray Somalian pirates accurately. Go figure.

LevelUp: I shared with you one of my favorite go-to’s for getting rid of tasty or almost-tasty leftovers. PIE!! Always keep pie-crust on hand.